Re-Designed Flower Bed Created a Hosta Garden

Hi everyone,

In the Fall of 2020, we re-designed a portion of one of our flower beds.

All the plants in that area were dug up and laid out on tarps, so that we could actually see what we had, while we amended the soil in that area. The plants were divided and replanted. Some went back into that flower bed and others did not. No plant was wasted or thrown away!

The variegated Hosta plants were relocated into a different flower bed altogether to create a Hosta Garden. There were some of the blueish Hosta's left over that went into the new Hosta Garden also. That relocation created a beautiful Hosta Garden. The Hosta Garden was created using on-hand plants that were moved and divided. The flower bed (that became the Hosta Garden) itself existed and was ready for planting, and you can see in the picture below.

The plants that we had on-hand that we moved into the Hosta Garden were Ostrich ferns, a Hydrangea start from an existing larger plant in our garden, and light green large leaf Hosta’s. I am still amazed at how many variegated Hosta plants came out of the small area they were originally in. They definitely needed to be divided!

Check out the YouTube Video showing the amazing result. Your subscription to the channel would be appreciated.

I hope that seeing this re-design inspires you to get your hands dirty. It feels so good to me to play in the dirt! I hope you enjoy seeing the results of this Fall 2020 flower bed re-design.

Thank you for joining me.

Have a wonderful day.

Bye for now….

