Trip Home
Hi Everyone!
Yes, I have been off-grid for a while....I traveled home to Silverdale, Washington.
Having grown up in Washington State where I spent so much time outdoors on a small family farm, camping, hiking, and fishing; I am such a mountain, water, and cloud girl. After I landed and got my rental car, I headed to the ferry! I took the ferry across to Bremerton (from Seattle) and spent the majority of the ride on the open deck. Awh, the smell of salt water!
This video is while we were still at the Seattle dock.
and, this video is in open water....
It has been a while since there was a wedding in the family. My family was big on family gatherings from weddings to family picnics there was always lots of dancing and laughing. A great way to grow up. I think everyone was ready for this wedding which was a great time!
This is my sister and her husband, mother and father of the groom. I love this picture of them! These two (2) worked their butts off. And, everything came off beautifully! They have the team work thing down pat. Lynn made all the food and Ed built the archway, made the sandwich boards, and cinder block decorations for around the archway. Guaranteed there is a ton more stuff that I am not aware of!

The quantity of food was too large for bowls so they were mixed in cleaned and sanitized wading pools. Seriously! Allison is mixing the fruit salad.

The bride and groom - Calvin and Jessie - before their vows. This is the archway that Ed built, and behind it you can see a little of the bench. This picture does not do them justice at all.

...and, after their vows. Congratulations Calvin and Jessie. We wish you both a life time of blessings and happy memories.

Photograph courtesy of Lauren McMillin Photography
I had to post this speaks for itself.

....and, me and my sisters.

The couple weeks in Washington was spent with family - sewing, visiting, shopping, hanging out, partying, laughing, crying, reminiscing etc while there. It was a fun and much needed family experience. Thank you to all my family for such a great time and wonderful memories.
Mom and I are not big shoppers but we headed to Kohl's and did some damage. We had a great time!!

The sad reality that my trip was over....

The flight home was amazing. I always take non-stop flights whenever possible, and on this flight I am so thankful I did. Take a look at the gorgeous clouds....

Once home, and after decompressing and adjusting to east coast time, I decided I needed a little quilting time for me. I am thankful that I took a little time for me. My sweet husband bought me a Go Big by AccuQuilt. I found a pattern for a wonderfully scrappy quilt (that I adapted to use available AccuQuilt dies) and background fabric that is perfect. I love how it turned out. I am waiting for one (1) die to come in so that I can add a little something something to it. Stay tuned for a blog on this quilt!
Thank you all for visiting my web page and blog!
I hope that you all are enjoying your summer and families!