Gorgeous Lilies Blooming
Hi everyone,
The lilies that were part of the flower bed re-design that I shared in a past blog post bloomed their hearts out, woohoo! These yellow lilies were the first of all of our lilies in our gardens to bloom this spring. They did not disappoint either. This yellow lily is the lily that is in our banner picture. This blog is an update to the previous Plus More Monday blog and video about the flower bed re-design that we did in the Fall of 2020. A lot work went into that re-design. We ended up digging pretty deep, removing clay that was underneath amended soil that was a couple feet deep. In total, we went down probably 4 feet. In the area where clay was removed, we put down gypsum and fertilizer then filled in with good topsoil. The entire project was a success which can be seen in how happy the plants are. I am so happy that we did it.

The lilies on the other side of the tree are blooming now. And, man oh man, they are absolutely beautiful, and smell soooo good. Unfortunately, I did not get any photographs of them before we had some storms hit. The main storm dropped 2 1/2 inches in about an hour. It was raining sideways. The positive side is we did not have to water. The downside is they took a beating and were knocked down along with a lot of other plants. We tied them up as best we could. I am definitely going to look into some heavy duty supports for them. These lilies are 6 feet tall, yes, 6 feet tall. I wish I knew their name. I have searched but came up empty handed.

I thought you might like to see what the flower bed looks like with them in bloom. I hope that by sharing these pictures of this re-design it inspires you to tackle a project in your garden or plant some lilies.
Be sure to check out the video that features them on the Quilting Plus More YouTube channel. I hope you enjoy the video.
Thank you for stopping by the blog and watching our videos!
Have a fantastic day everyone.
Bye for now….